Thursday, March 19, 2009

Valentines Day

So Valentines was a blast. And yes I am just posting these pictures... You see, I just got a new baclground and I was so excited about it that I wanted to put up a new post and try to get more current! We went to Bucco di beppo (or some spelling like that..) and the food was DELICIOUS!! It was served family style so we all shared huge dishes of pasta and meats and yumminess. Here is Vick and her date Jon. These are the only photos that I got of the event. But hey- at least I have some captured memories of this day!

The delicious desserts! I just had to capture them on film. Even though they don't look nearly as good on camera as they did in real life.
My beatuiful sister and her handsome husband came down from Idaho to play with us. But they were only there for dinner- boo hoo! But at least we got them for that!

I loved how we made this v-day a whole family affair! It was SO much fun being with the huge group and just enjoying ourselves. I love my family!!


xantogal said...

Hooray for new pictures and a new post!! Love your background!!

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

I love that picture of you and Miguel! You look gorgeous. I still need to hear about Vegas... call me :-)

in morse code said...

finally! an update! i've been stocking your blog everyday waiting for the day something new pops up :) so now that you are back we need to play. soon. and maybe i can show you my dream house, which is exactly that--a dream. (and yes, we would make a spare room just for you!)

Kelly said...

Love the New back drop. Looks like such a fun day! Happy to see you still know how to blog. We have been waiting for somthing new.
i can't wait for you to get down here so we can PARTY.. We'll have plenty of photos to blog about! Keep us up to date on what you are doing... who you likee and all the fun stuff. xoxoxoxoxoxox

Heather said...

You and Mike look really good together. Of course, you'd make anyone look good. That was a tasty dinner. I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaleah! How are you? I love your blog, it's so cute. You and Mike are very cute together, that was nice of him to come down for Valentine's Day! How cute!!! Hope you're doing good. You, me and Ashely need to get together soon and have a girls day!